What is Moving Moments?

Some moments are wonderful and exciting. Others are painful. Regardless of the kind of moment you’re having right now, allow God to be a part of it! 

Cindy's passion is to see you move closer to Him as each moment occurs whether it's watching a breathtaking sunset, or going through a difficult life situation. 

Remember, when you allow God into your daily moments, your perspective changes and you see things differently.   As a result, you can become a beacon of hope and encouragement to others. 

As you hear these 60 second stories, listen for the spiritual seeds that are planted in your heart. 

 Then ask yourself: How can I Make a Move?


Your Move.

It always begins with a relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ. 

With Him in your life, you’ll discover your true purpose along with an eternal perspective. But the door to your heart must be open. And, when it is, you’ll begin to have daily moments with God.

As you embark upon this journey,  Cindy hopes to encourage, inspire and challenge you in your walk of faith. 

Remember,  you CAN have Moving Moments with God by taking a simple step of faith.

 This is Moving Moments. Now it’s YOUR time to make a MOVE!


About Cindy Tang

Moving Moments creator Cindy Tang brings her inspirational and encouraging stories to life in ways that make you laugh, think and reflect, all at the same time! 

When she was 16, Cindy boldly walked into a  Michigan radio station and asked to be a newscaster. The rest, as they say, is history. 

She has received more than a dozen state and national journalism awards, including best reporter (UPI and AP).  Cindy attended Cornerstone University (BA) in Grand Rapids, Michigan and Ohio University (MA) in Athens, Ohio.  After leaving the daily grind of newsroom management and university teaching to raise a family,  Cindy pursued voiceover work and even narrated 30 episodes of A Pet Story on Animal Planet.  Some of her former students now work for as reporters at national television and radio networks.

Her passion for Christian radio began over a decade ago on 107.5 Alive in the Philadelphia suburbs. In fact, "Gary the Goldfish" was the first Moving Moments feature which aired in 2018.  Today, Moving Moments has a global presence and can be heard on ~2,000 stations.  107.5 Alive station manager John Yoast calls Moving Moments a "calm voice that speaks into our everyday lives," he added, "Cindy gives us a reason to hope, reason to laugh and reason to trust God and His Word through these simple nuggets and spiritual truths." 

Cindy enjoys music,  gardening, spending time with her family, and playing with her two cats Java and  Riley along with her "grandpuppy" Kyla, a very active Belgian Malinois!  

 She believes all of us can have Moving Moments with God, including YOU!  

 Please contact her to share what God has done for you and how we can keep you in prayer. 
(c)2024. Moving Moments with Cindy Tang.  All Rights Reserved